Support for Studying

Study Skills

Have you considered what studying means to you, what is the best way for you to learn or how you can make your studies run smoothly? Study skills consist of a number of areas, such as the management of study methods, self-management, acting in a community and regulation of personal emotions. Study skills are something you can learn, and these pages include ideas for developing your skills as well as links for sources of additional information.

Study techniques and time management

Study techniques: How do you study

In brief, an approach to learning means what aims you have for studying and how you study. Are you able to understand the studied contents profoundly and thoroughly? Or is your goal to simply remember things by heart for an exam instead? When studying, do you take lot of personal notes and/or make mind maps of the studied topics, trying to perceive connections between the studied contents and applying them into practice? Or does your study merely consist of reading a book, listening to a lecture or completing the given assignments without further thought to why you are doing the assignments? Your answer to the aforementioned questions gives information about your approach to learning and also predicts your academic performance!

Sometimes it can make sense to take the easy way out and learn a few pointers by heart for an exam. Nevertheless, developing in-depth expertise and academic performance at the university require long-term, personal endeavour to understand studied topics, even difficult ones. Read about different approaches to learning and try to recognise what you aim to achieve with your studies and how you study. Also consider how you could develop your own skills in building your personal understanding of the learned topics.

How to make more of your studies

You can read about the following issues in this section, like how to get more interested in the studies, what you supposed to learn in the courses, and how studying in a group can be beneficial. 


Condition to study

The section on self-knowledge and resources includes information, e.g. on the influence of an optimistic achievement strategy on studying, self-compassion, perfectionism, stress and anxiety. Pick a topic that interests you!

Groups, workshops and online materials for supporting wellbeing and study ability

This page has groups, workshops and online (MyCourses) material organised by Aalto in the area of well-being. The groups and workshops are conducted in Finnish or English.

Starting Point of Wellbeing

The Starting Point of Wellbeing offers students easy access to counselling and advice on matters of well-being and study ability. The services available to you include drop-in (no reservation) advising/counselling sessions, peer support groups, and online materials. You can also make an appointment to receive individual counselling.

Logo of Starting Point of Wellbeing

Where to get guidance and support?

Guidance and support for study planning, study wellbeing, and career reflections for Aalto students.

Student guide illustration, supporting your studies

Personal Impact

Personal Impact brings to light already existing courses in Aalto University on values and meaningfulness, self-leadership, societal impact, human potential and well-being.

Personal Impact hero page logo

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